book review...
one of the themes for this month is kindness and gratitude. i introduced a new book to our class, have you filled a bucket today? a guide to daily happiness for kids. the basic concept is that everyone carries an invisible bucket in which we keep our feelings. when our buckets are full, we are happy; when they are empty, we are sad. when we are kind to others we not only fill their buckets but ours as well and when we are mean to others we dip into their buckets.
the kids were able to grasp this bucket concept and had many discussions throughout the week about whether or not they were "filling" or "dipping" into each other's bucket. this discussion can be used at home as a way of bringing awareness to the way we treat others as well as how we want to be treated.
other books we have read this week are:
making friends by fred rogers (aka mister rogers)
how to be a friend: a guide to making friends and keeping them from the creators of dinosaurs to the rescue!
class time fun!
i cannot remember what the kids were working on here but it's a very cute photo nonetheless...
we talked about different flags from around the world, focusing on the american and peruvian flags. the kids studied and compared each flag before coloring their own.
i gave the kids postcards from peru with a peruvian coin attached which the kids had fun studying. i went through some photos from my trip and talked about the different types of animals, food and traditions i saw.
leroy made a short guest appearance at school which was a special surprise for the kids. there was a lot of excitement among everyone (that could be heard throughout the building i'm sure!)...
theo working on our version of an orange and clove pomander...
marlowe working in style (his stella mccartney for gap jacket garnered a lot of attention from the adults!)...
marlowe made this marker tower on his own volition- and even mastered coloring with it!
sonny working on his animal feeder...
fiona using our new class whiteboard to practice her writing skills...
i laminated some alphabet cards so the kids could practice writing their upper and lowercase letters...
outdoor explorations...
coco sleeping on her bed (ie the slide)...
...until the sun rises (ie someone draws the sun).
marlowe working on his stick throwing abilities...
coco working on a her pretend garden...
sonny peeking around the corner...
the gang takes turns hugging a tree...
...and examining the bark on another.
the gang plants tulips!
after discussing what happens to plants in the winter the kids searched for both brown and green outdoor treasures.
we talked about how animals spend the winter and afterwards made animal feeders (not to be confused with bird feeders!). fiona put hers on a low branch in consideration to animals who "couldn't fly".
our first week of november...
sonny's house again! the kids loved playing with sonny's airplane, which tied in perfectly with our theme of maps and the globe. we made our own sand globes and talked about the earth's lithosphere by studying an image of the earth split in half.
we examined jars of water, soil and air and talked about the different reasons each is important to us. the kids then looked at different images of these natural elements and placed them in front of the appropriate jar. we read be a friend to trees which discusses types of trees and the different things they provide. we talked about how everything made of wood was once part of a tree, then we searched the classroom to find as many objects made of wood as we could. 
the kids paired up to make mud pies! we studied the soil by touch and smell before adding water to see how it changed the soil's texture. some liked how it smelled and felt while others thought it was too sticky and smelly.
i recently made a writing center equipped with paper, envelopes, pencils, markers and most importantly, a mailbox. we practiced writing letters to each other and the kids had a lot of fun putting their letters in the mailbox for their friend to open.
the kids have been exercising their storytelling abilities through puppet shows...
they looooved pretending to be kittens! this turned into an all day theme- some were caged kittens, some were hungry kittens and some were mama kittens.
the kids practiced their cleaning skills by using the hand broom to get all the beans into the blue square and then sweeping them into the dust pan.
this week seemed to be a race against the clock! we only got through half of the projects i had planned- i underestimated how much time the kids would want to spend on each activity, which is great! although we tried to walk to the park every day, it was only until friday that we were successful- we spent so much time looking at things along our way that we always ran out of time and had to turn back!
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