thanksgiving 2010!

 for our thanksgiving lunch we made cranberries, cornbread muffins, and carrot & yam soup. i tried to have the kids do as much of the prep work as possible and they did great!

it was a success!

 even mia liked it!

another gorgeous day at the park...

beckett and sonny made a drum...

while coco and mia made a seesaw!

 a worm!

we spent some time making various huts with sticks and bark...

climbed around some "castle bricks"...

the kids couldn't believe the tree that once housed their spying missons was bare! 

making marionettes...


 the kids measured pieces of cardboard and string...

(this photo of coco will always make me smile- the way she's multi tasking cracks me up...)

added some final touches...

et voilĂ !

corn off the cob...

we brought back some lovely cobs of corn from choice and had fun taking off the individual kernels. it  was an awesome sensory activity plus great for their little hands!

later we turned our kernels into a science experiment by comparing how store bought kernels and our kernels popped. after a few tries we concluded that the store bought kernels popped much better! we made sweet (honey and cinnamon) and spicy popcorn (cayenne pepper and hot sauce). both were delicious!

feeling grateful for water...

 we read precious water and made a list of the different ways in which we use water- and how we take it for granted. i talked to the kids about how some countries don't have running water and how people have to walk great distances to get it. in order to help them understand how much work this requires i took the kids to a bodega and had them buy a gallon of water. afterwards i challenged them to carry it home!

they also tried balancing the water on their head- something everyone agreed was very difficult!

in the end they made it a little over half a block until they decided they had had enough...

what are you thankful for?

this is an old photo of our gratitude poster- now there's hardly any white space left! some of my favorites (not pictured) include ROOTS, THOUGHTS, THE SKY and DAYS...